Is African swine fever a concern?

In short yes it is. We are grateful we do not have it in the UK but we must be vigilant and observant.

As we see the borders opening for us to travel this can be a route for illegally imported or inappropriately disposed of pork and pork products being the most likely route for ASF to enter the UK. Therefore, it goes without saying that our bio-security is to be high on our radar. As we know it remains illegal to feed pork products and any food waste to pigs and if pigs are kept near public rights of way it would be advisable to have signs warning the public not to feed our pigs. Free signs are obtainable from AHDB Pork HERE

Which countries have it

New cases are being report around the world. Closer to home the cases of ASF being found in domestic pigs in Europe have been in Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and the Ukraine. Cases in wild boar have been reported in Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Ukraine and, Italy.

What are the signs of ASF

  • high fever
  • loss of appetite
  • haemorrhages in the skin and internal organs
  • death in 2-10 days on average

All age groups are affective. There has never been an outbreak of ASF in Great Britain.

Ensure there is good bio-security on your farm/holding

Good bio-security is not just for ASF it is for all diseases and the wellbeing of all our livestock.

A. Clean and disinfect procedure

  1. Remove organic matter
  2. Use a detergent
  3. Clean
  4. Dry
  5. Disinfect (Use specific disinfectants where possible as per the DEFRA list of approved disinfectants as shared earlier to be found here)
  6. Regularly clean feeders, drinkers, enrichment items, cleaning tools. Dont just to up dirty drinkers or add clean food in dirty feed trays
  7. When cleaning your pig pens and barns start from top to bottom (ceiling to walls to floors). This avoids any splashing of previously cleaned areas with dirty water.
  8. Pay attention to out-of-sight and hard-to-reach spots. EG lights, water pipes, dunging area corners
  9. Make sure dirty water drains away freely without contaminating other areas.
  10. Repair or replace corroded fixtures, surfaces and flooring, as these can harbour germs.
  11. Any equipment that cannot be pressure washed, such as creep lamps, must be cleaned by hand

B. Visitors to your farm/holding

  1. Ensure visitors use your foot dip
  2. Are vehicles clean that come to your holding
  3. Do not allow your visitors to eat near your pigs

How to stay on step ahead – video from EFSA

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